Everyday Life and Global Politics
The study of international relations has predominantly focused on supposedly ‘official’ actors, sites and practices. But what about ‘ordinary’ individuals? What about their ‘mundane’ practices and quotidian behaviours? How do their everyday lives fit into IR? In the University of St Andrews School of International Relations, students enrolled in Dr Laura Mills’ masters and undergraduate modules – IR5066 ‘The Global Politics of Everyday Life’ and IR4570 ‘Everyday Life and Global Politics’ – creatively explore these questions to reveal how everyday life and global politics are co-constitutive.
They do so by developing their critical thinking at the cutting edge of innovative and creative practice in IR (and associated disciplines). Via a range of creative formats – art, collage, photography, narrative, (auto)ethnography, film, poetry, performance, visuality, video remix – they examine how everyday objects, structures and practices mutually constitute global power relations that are messy and complex and interrogate how they often bolster and (re)produce problematic logics of gender, race, class, militarism and many more besides. This website features their creative work.
Candlemas Curation
Click on the poster below to enter the exhibition: